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Chicago Divorce Lawyers / Blog / Divorce / Popular Online News Outlet Asks Readers to Share “When They Knew Their Parents’ Marriage was Doomed”

Popular Online News Outlet Asks Readers to Share “When They Knew Their Parents’ Marriage was Doomed”


It seems these days that when you casually poll or survey a group of friends or colleagues about whether their parents got divorced when they were young, many, if not most, will say yes. Indeed, the truth of the matter is that divorce is not uncommon, and for many millennials and Gen-Xers (and maybe even those in Gen-Z) conversations about divorce were part of one’s childhood – perhaps even a milestone as friend after friend’s parents divorced, and then finally one’s own. However, there is probably no more vivid memory for a child of divorced parents – even when they have grown up – than that of the moment when they knew that their parents’ marriage was effectively “doomed”, or irretrievably over. Popular online news and media outlet, BuzzFeed News, accordingly, asked its readers to share when they knew their parents’ marriage was finished. Some of the responses may surprise you.

Blatant Infidelity Ends a Marriage

One BuzzFeed reader, “keepintabs” wrote about a story of cheating. Keepintabs said that they knew their parents’ marriage was over “When my mom called the house drunk at 3 a.m. from her cousin’s house to tell my dad she was seeing someone else and I was the one who answered the phone.”

Holidays Filled with Awkward Tension Foreshadows Divorce

 Reader “Lauren”, from Massachusetts, indicated that the holidays were a big red flag when it came to her parents’ marriage. Lauren stated as to when she knew her parents’ marriage was over, “I knew my parents needed to divorce when holidays became really awkward. Christmas wasn’t like it normally was. It was always filled with the silent treatment or awkward tension. My dad was also a major narcissist so there’s that.”

Hoarding before Divorcing

 Another reader, “Cat” from Michigan, said that she noticed her father hoarding the family’s household goods after she went on a trip with her mother. Cat wrote that she knew that her parents’ marriage was over when “My mom took us kids to see her parents and dad stayed home. In the 48 hours we were gone, my dad built an entire room with a locked door in the basement. No explanation. Then, things around the house went missing and my dad kept disappearing into this new room. One morning, I was woken up by them arguing. ‘What am I supposed to do without a toaster, David?!’ My 10-year-old self realized [sic] my dad built a room so he could hide all the stuff he wanted before he filed for divorce. So…it was a toaster.”

If you are in the Chicago area and you need legal help with your Chicago divorce, contact the experienced Chicago divorce lawyers at the law firm Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC. The experienced Chicago divorce lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC are here to help individuals in Chicago with their divorce cases. Do not hesitate to speak to an experienced Chicago divorce lawyer about your case today. Contact Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC and speak to a lawyer about your rights, options, and next steps now.



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