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Chicago Divorce Lawyers / Blog / Child Custody / Mother’s Sushi Date with Two Daughters Quickly Turns into Violation of Child Custody Court Order, Abductions of Children by Non-Custodial Parents in Chicago Explained

Mother’s Sushi Date with Two Daughters Quickly Turns into Violation of Child Custody Court Order, Abductions of Children by Non-Custodial Parents in Chicago Explained


News of two young New Orleans twin girls who were abducted by their own mother hit headlines over the weekend and the frightening case spurs on the conversation about the risks and dangers of parental child abductions. According to local news reports, twin sisters Sofia and Alessandra Bruno were reported as missing after last being seen with their mother, Alejandra Guitierrez. The pair of 8-year-old twin girls was last seen with Guitierrez on July 31 at about 7:00 p.m. in the evening at the Rock-n-Sake sushi bar on Fulton Street in the city of New Orleans. The young sisters were located on Friday morning, August 2, in St. Tammany Parish, New Orleans. According to local law enforcement officers, the girls were in “good health”. Guitierrez, however, is now faced with criminal charges, including violating a court order (child custody order) and two counts of interference with custody of child. The case is ongoing, and it remains to be seen if Guitierrez will be convicted of the crimes that she has been charged with, and/or if any civil action will be taken for her role in the parental child abduction.

What Happens When Non-Custodial Parents Abduct Their Own Children in Chicago

It is important for Chicago parents to understand that even if a child is a non-custodial parent’s own biological child, and “flesh and blood”, a non-custodial parent is not entitled to violate a child custody order, court-ordered parenting plan, or court-ordered visitation schedule. Failing to abide by an order of the court involving the custody of a child or children is a criminal offense, and parents who abduct their own children may be criminally convicted. Parents in Chicago who are facing the abduction or potential abduction of their children by a non-custodial parent should act immediately, especially if their child is abducted overseas. If your ex abducted or may be planning to abduct your child or children overseas, the best first step to take is to speak with an experienced Chicago international family law Hague Convention lawyer as soon as possible.

A Law Firm in Chicago that Helps Chicago Parents with International Child Abductions

If you are seeking legal help with your child custody matter in Chicago, do not hesitate to reach out to the experienced Chicago international family law Hague Convention lawyers at the law firm Arnoux Sharma & Standeford, LLC. The experienced Chicago international family law Hague Convention lawyers at the law firm Arnoux Sharma & Standeford, LLC help Chicago parents with their complex and challenging child custody matters.

No person should have to navigate an international parental child abduction case alone. If you are seeking legal help in Chicago with a potential or active parental child abduction, contact the experienced Chicago international family law Hague Convention lawyers at the law firm Arnoux Sharma & Standeford, LLC and speak to an attorney about your rights and options now.



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