Critical Issues in Your Chicago Divorce – What Must be Resolved Before a Chicago Divorce is Finalized?

Something interesting about the Chicago divorce process that some divorcing individuals in Chicago may not know is that certain key issues must be resolved under Illinois marriage and divorce laws in order for a divorce to be finalized. This means that even if the parties did not foresee hashing out those issues, or they did not come up in the marriage, they must be resolved anyway in order for the parties to the divorce to obtain a final decree of dissolution of their marriage so that they can move on. But what are these key elements that a Chicago divorce must address and resolve, and how can divorcing individuals in Chicago resolve these issues without the emotional and financial stress of a trial? We answer those questions here.
Key Elements in a Chicago Divorce: What is Needed to Finalize the Divorce?
Most divorcing couples in Chicago probably have a grasp on some of the common issues that must be resolved in a divorce, such as child custody (who a child or children born in the marriage will live with, and who will make important life decisions for the child or children). However, there are many other issues that must be resolved in order to finalize a Chicago divorce. These issues include the division of property (that is, who will get real estate properties and investment accounts and other investments and assets), division of debts (who will be saddled with debts incurred in the marriage), whether spousal maintenance or alimony should be awarded to one spouse, and whether there will be financial obligations by either spouse with regard to the children. These issues are critical to the divorce and will be decided by a judge – not the parties – if the parties cannot themselves agree to a resolution. Accordingly, many couples opt to take more of the power and control of the case into their hands, and attempt to resolve the case through divorce mediation rather than through divorce litigation.
How to Resolve Key Issues in Your Chicago Divorce Without a Full-Blown Trial
It is possible for parties to a divorce to resolve key issues in the divorce without a full-blown trial. This is done by negotiation between the parties to come to terms on these key issues. Parties may opt for divorce mediation, or may be able to work through their attorneys via direct negotiations to come to an agreement. Of course, if the parties are unable to work through all of the key issues necessary to bring the divorce to a close, they will have to go back to court for the judge to decide.
If you are in Chicago and you need legal help with your Chicago divorce, contact the experienced Chicago divorce lawyers at the law firm Arnoux Sharma & Standeford, LLC. Contact the experienced Chicago divorce lawyers at the law firm Arnoux Sharma & Standeford, LLC and speak to a lawyer about your case now.