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Three Things I Wish I Knew about Being Separated without being Married in Chicago


There are a number of reasons that a couple may decide not to get married, even if they have been together for a number of years and share all aspects of their lives with one another. One of those reasons may be that the couple believes that not getting married will make things easier in the event that the relationship just does not work out, and they ultimately split up. However, while separating without having been married in the first place may seem to avoid some of the legal issues that a separation or divorce between a married couple include, for some couples there are still a number of issues that may come up, and that may need court intervention. To help Chicago couples better understand some of the legal matters that may come up in a separation without being married, we highlight three of these issues.

Couples who Separate but were Not Married do Not Have the Same Legal Obligations to Each Other as Divorcing Couples Do

When a married couple gets divorced in Chicago, ex-spouses may have some legal obligations to each other, such as alimony payments or spousal maintenance. For individuals who are splitting from their significant other or partner and who were not married in the first place, spousal maintenance is not available. This may be a key consideration for some individuals who are planning to separate from their significant other or partner, especially if one partner was a higher-income earner in the relationship and supported their partner.

If there are Children Involved, You May Still Need a Custody Order

Although couples who intend to separate without having been married to begin with may think that they can hammer out child custody and child visitation issues among one another, the truth is that this is often easier said than done. When tensions flare over important issues such as child custody, even though a couple was never married in the first place, they may need to seek an order from the court to resolve child custody disputes.

If there is Property Involved, You Should Speak to an Experienced Chicago Legal Separation Lawyer

In addition, couples who are separating but who were never married may think that they can work out how to divide up properties that were acquired during their relationship without the need for legal counsel or help. The truth is, however, that property issues can be complex, and it is important to know your rights by speaking with an experienced Chicago legal separation lawyer before agreeing to a division of property with your ex.

Help for Individuals who are Seeking to Separate in Chicago

If you are in Chicago and you are seeking to separate from your partner or significant other, and you were never married, contact the experienced Chicago legal separation lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC. The experienced Chicago legal separation lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC, are here to listen to the specific facts of your Chicago separation case to see if they can help advise and represent you. Contact Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC and speak to an experienced Chicago separation lawyer about your rights and options today.

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