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OnlyFans Content Creator and Mother Lands in Novel Child Custody Case


By now, most Chicagoans are familiar with the online content sharing platform OnlyFans. If you are not familiar with this popular app, it is a subscription-based content sharing platform, known to be primarily used by sex workers and content creators who use it to make and share explicit and pornographic videos and pictures. This content is often marked “NSFW”, which means that it is not “safe” to open it at work, due to its sexual content.

Perhaps fewer Chicagoans are familiar with how OnlyFans may impact the proceedings of a pending divorce case, and particularly the issue of child custody. One Delaware mother found herself in the middle of a novel controversy involving her work through OnlyFans as she navigated child custody issues in a heated divorce. Her story serves as a reminder to parents in child custody battles of just how much a person’s online footprint can muddy the waters in a bitter divorce.

The Case of Killebrew v. Gardner

In the recent case Killebrew v. Gardner, the issues of a parent earning an income through online platforms like OnlyFans and child custody issues came to a head. According to JDSupra, the hotly-contested Killebrew v. Gardner case started off in 2020 as a fairly “usual” child custody case, at least in terms of the facts. However, during the pendency of the case, the father aired to the court (in a proceeding initiated by the mother), that the mother posts content on OnlyFans. In response, the court scheduled a forensic interview with the child, held several hearings, and required the mother to delete her OnlyFans account and undergo a psychological evaluation. However, ultimately, the court found that both parents should share custody over the child. On appeal, among other things, the father argued that the court had erroneously awarded joint custody of the child, despite the mother’s “poor lifestyle choices” in using and posting on OnlyFans. However, the appeals court affirmed the trial court’s decision, finding that the mother’s use of the OnlyFans account did not harm the child or cause a detriment to the child’s safety.

In sum, at least in Delaware, the maintenance and use of an OnlyFans account may not preclude child custody or joint child custody. However, if you are in Chicago, it is important to discuss your specific case with an experienced Chicago child custody lawyer if you have questions about your rights and options in your Chicago child custody case or divorce.

Legal Help for Chicago Parents Facing Child Custody Battles

If you are in Chicago and you need legal assistance with your child custody case, contact the experienced Chicago child custody lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC. The experienced Chicago child custody lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC offer a confidential consultation to learn about your case and to see if they can help represent you. Contact Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options today.

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