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Category Archives: Pet Custody


Illinois: A Pioneer in Pet Custody Laws – What Does it Mean for Your Pets in Your Chicago Divorce?

By Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC |

There is no doubt that many Chicago residents and individuals consider their pets as more than just animals. Indeed, social norms have changed in Chicago and throughout most of the rest of the United States over time, and pets are now considered by many people to be equivalent to beloved family members (that, for… Read More »

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Pet Custody In Chicago – A Trendy Fad Or Legally Binding?

By Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC |

You may have heard the term “pet custody” in recent years, but perhaps didn’t believe that it was a valid legal concept. As Americans turned to furry companions during the COVID-19 Pandemic to alleviate stress, provide stability and routine, and offer companionship, some of them also turned to divorce post-pandemic, but still with the… Read More »

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Tennessee Joins Illinois, Other States, Considers “Well Being” Of Pets In Pet Custody Cases

By Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC |

One of the hardest things about the divorce process is the separation of the parties into different households, and with that the determination of who and where children and pets will live. Child custody is one of the hardest-fought issues in the divorce process, because who a child lives with and who will make… Read More »

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High-Profile Celebrity Divorce Highlights Pet Custody Issues

By Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC |

There is no doubt that Americans love pets. In recent years, the trend towards pet ownership, and dog ownership in particular, has given rise to the popular joking adage “pets are the new babies”. Certainly, among populations from Gen-Z to Baby Boomer, pets have become an irreplaceable addition to the family, in some instances… Read More »

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