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Anatomy Of A High-Net Worth Divorce: Inside The Jeff And MacKenzie Bezos Divorce Settlement


In January, 2019, internationally well-known Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos and wife MacKenzie Bezos announced that their marriage was over and that they were filing for divorce in Washington State superior court. The nation then watched on as details of the former couple’s divorce proceedings slowly came into the public view, shedding a glimpse of light into what not only a high profile but extremely high net worth divorce exactly entails. In July, 2019, the couple officially finalized their divorce proceedings in the form of a divorce settlement, leaving the former couple with divided assets, but each, individually, still extremely wealthy. But how exactly does a high-net worth divorce settlement work, and who got what in the divorce settlement of Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos?

Divorce Settlements in High Net Worth Divorce Cases

At the outset, it is important to distinguish the result in the Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos divorce settlement from the result in a contested divorce case ending in an order handed down by a judge. In Washington State, where the Bezos’ divorced, and in Illinois and throughout the rest of the country, a couple does not have to go through a contested divorce, but can, instead, agree to the various terms that make up a divorce – such as child custody, the division of assets and properties, and other important divorce terms – in a divorce settlement. In the case of Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos, the couple – who were married for 25 years and who had 4 children during their marriage – opted to settle out their divorce, rather than go through the protracted process of litigating a divorce and, ultimately, going to trial.

Details of the Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos High Net Worth Divorce Settlement

In the Bezos’ divorce case, stakes in several successful, well-known businesses had to be divided between Jeff Bezos and MacKenzie Bezos. Among those assets were interests in the businesses the Washington Post and Blue Origin, as well as Amazon stocks. Under the divorce settlement, Jeff Bezos was allocated 75% of the Amazon stock that the Bezos’ owned together, as well as all of MacKenzie Bezos’ interests in the Washington Post and Blue Origin. MacKenzie Bezos agreed to take the remaining 4% stake in Amazon, leaving her with 20 million shares valued at around $38 billion. At the time of the divorce settlement’s finalization, Jeff Bezos had an estimated net worth of $121 billion.

Help with Your Chicago High Net Worth Divorce

High net worth divorces are not only those that involve tens of billions of dollars. Individuals with a high net worth who are interested in parting ways and getting a divorce in Chicago should seek out the assistance of an experienced Chicago high net worth divorce lawyer to ensure that they protect their rights and assets. If you are seeking a high net worth divorce in Chicago, contact the experienced Chicago high net worth divorce lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC. The lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC offer a confidential consultation to learn about your unique case and to see if they can help you. Contact Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC today and speak to a lawyer about your rights in your Chicago divorce.



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