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5 Signs that Divorce is Becoming More Normalized in America


There is no question that divorce is a topic that is much more socially accepted in pretty much every circle than it was in yesteryears. Television shows and movies seem to seamlessly navigate the issues of separation and divorce, celebrities steal the limelight as they go through divorce proceedings, and it is certainly no longer a faux pas to discuss a past marriage (or two) when meeting someone for the first time. Indeed, we are long past the whispers and gossip that used to accompany divorce, and it is a topic of many casual conversations. But how normalized is divorce, really? These 5 signs noted by Axios online paint a picture of where the topic of divorce stands as normalized in American society.

Sign #1. Divorce Invitations are on the Rise

According to Axios, online invitation website Evite saw a spike in divorce-related invitations in the last couple years. In fact, Evite senior marketing director Olivia Pollock shares that divorce-related invitations jumped 22% since 2019 (although they still share only a small share of total invitations).

Sign #2. Divorce Registries?

Another thing that has gained popularity over the years that used to really only be for married couples: registries. According to Axios, one such registry website, Fresh Starts Registry, is marketing divorce as an occasion for support – in the form of gifts. It is easy with a divorce registry to request things a new divorcee may need, such as new kitchen and household items.

Sign #3. Divorce Parties are All the Rage

According to Axios, the nightclub chain Howl at the Moon has seen a climb in divorce party reservations, with around 30 reservations in 2023 compared to approximately 5 reservations annually in years before. Divorce is seemingly an occasion to celebrate for some new divorcees, and a time to ring in a new start and chapter.

Sign #4. It’s All Over the Web

Another indicator that the topic of divorce has increasingly become normalized in the United States is its online presence. In fact, the hashtag #divorceparty has accumulated almost 70,000 hits, according to Axios, and even “divorced dad rock” has amassed a following as a rock-and-roll sub-genre.

Sign #5. The Stats

Finally, the statistics do not lie when it comes to public perception of divorce in the United States. A 2022 Gallup poll cited by Axios revealed that 81% of Americans responded that divorce is “morally acceptable”, while only 5% responded that it is “morally wrong”.

Legal Help for Divorcing Couples in Chicago

If you are seeking a divorce in Chicago, or you need help with your pending divorce or separation, contact the experienced Chicago divorce lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC. The experienced Chicago divorce lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC are here to learn about your unique divorce case and to see if they can help fight for you. Contact the experienced Chicago divorce lawyers at Arnoux Sharma Standeford, LLC today and speak to a lawyer about your rights and options.



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